SLO/OVPL Optical Properties of Solid Materials
Lecturer: Jan Peřina jr.
Lecture: 3 hours/week
Credits: 4
Summer semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Optical constants, description of interaction of light with matter, Maxwell equations, Classification of materials according to optical parameters
- Relations between optical quantities, refractive index, permittivity, conductivity, susceptibility, matter relations, Kramers-Kronig dispersion relations
- Anisotropy, tensor quantities
- Propagation of light in anisotropic media, linear and circular anisotropy, solutions of standard problems, uniaxial and biaxial materials
- Linear and circular dichroism, stress-induced or modified anisotropy (electric field, magnetic field, stress)
- Electrooptical phenomena, linear (Pockels) phenomenon, quadratic (Kerr) phenomenon, examples of usage, amplitude/phase modulators of light
- Photoelastic phenomena
- Acoustooptical phenomena, Bragg law of diffraction, regimes of diffraction, diffraction orders, efficiency of the element, AO modulator, AO deflector
- Interband optical transitions, Fermi Golden Rule
- Absortion bands, description of absortion band, critical points, contribution of the photon, experimental absorption bands, influence of exciton
- Grating reflection, models of description, description of interaction of light with a matter in particular spectral regions