OPT/QS1 Coherence and Statistical Optics
Lecturer: Jaromír Fiurášek
Lecture: 2 hours/week + Exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 5
Summer semester
Form of course completion: course credit, exam
Light as a stochastic process, stationary processes, ergodic processes, complex analytical signal. Temporal coherence, temporal coherence function, coherence time Power spectral density, Wiener-Khinchin theorem , Fourier spectroscopy Spatial coherence, mutual coherence function, propagation of partially coherent light spatially incoherent light sources, van Cittert-Zernike theorem, Michelson stellar interferometer Imaging with partially coherent light, imaging with fully coherent and incoherent light, optical transfer function Statistical properties of thermal light, intensity correlations, intensity probability distributions Mandel-Rice formula, Mandel photodetection equation Partially polarized light, coherence matrix, degree of polarization.