OPT/KKZI2 Quantum Communication and Information Processing 2
Lecturer: Jaromír Fiurášek
Lecture: 2 hours/week + Exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 3
Summer semester
Form of course completion: course credit
Quantum description of electromagnetic field, creation and annihilation operators, photon number operator, Fock states, coherent states. Sources of correlated photon pairs, spontaneous parametric down-conversion, polarization entangled photons, time-bin entanglement. Quantum description of linear optical interferometers, beam splitters, wave-plates. Single-photon and multi-photon interference, Hong-Ou-Mandel dip. Quantum teleportation of polarization states of single photons, dense coding. Optimal cloning of quantum states of single photons. Distillation and concentration of entangled photon pairs. Measurement induced optical nonlinearity, linear optical quantum gates, nonlinear sign gate, C-NOT gate, multi-qubit gates.