OPT Advanced Methods of Experimental Photonics
Lecturer: Miroslav Ježek
Lecture: 1 hour/week + exercise 2 hours/week
Credits: 5
The course aims to realize selected experimental setups, carry out particular measurements and improve student's experimental skills in the field of quantum optics and photonics. Students will explore advanced experimental methods and measurement techniques: optical signal preparation and feedback control, two-photon absorption and autocorrelation, single photon generation and detection, time-correlated single-photon counting, entangled states and Bell inequalities, spectroscopy in rubidium vapors and laser frequency locking to atomic transition. The course would be beneficial for students interested in experimental quantum optics and advanced methods of optical metrology. Prerequisites: good knowledge of wave optics, fibers and waveguides, lasers, quantum physics, and quantum optics is required.