KEF/FZN Physical Basis of Nanotechnologies
Lecturer: Jiří Tuček
Lecture: 2 hours/week
Credits: 2
Winter semester
Form of course completion: course credit
- Nanotechnology and nanostructures – definitions of basic terms in the nanoworld, history, development and current tendencies of nanotechnologies, classification of nanomaterials (nanoparticles, nanopowders, nanocomposites, ferrofluids, colloids, amorphous materials, etc.)
- Physical phenomena in the nanoworld – introduction to the physics of solid state, crystal structures of materials (geometry of crystal lattice, symmetry of crystals, reciprocal lattice space), oscillations of crystal lattice – phonons, failures in solids (vacancies, impure atoms, cracks, dislocations, etc.), basics of band theory of solids, dependence of properties of materials on their sizes (critical sizes), overview of basic physical phenomena in the nanoworld, quantum tunneling, intermolecular surface forces
- Nanoparticles, nanoclusters, quantum wires and quantum dots – their physical description and applications
- Mechanical properties of nanostructures – behaviour of Young modulus on size of the particles, Hall-Petch equation for nanomaterials
- Electrical properties of nanostructures – band model of nanostructures and its dependence on particle sizes, conductivity of nanomaterials, permittivity of nanomaterials
- Optical and transport properties of nanostructures – interaction electromagnetic radiation with a matter – phenomenological description, optical constants, non-linear refractive index
- Single-electron tunneling and superconductivity in the context of nanostructured materials