KEF/BBIO Bionanotechnology
Lecturer: Kateřina Poláková
Lecture: 25 hours/semester
Credits: 3
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Biological membranes, membrane transport, information obtaining and processing by membranes
- Human nanomachines and nanorobots (actin, myosin), ATP synthase.
- Immune system (immunogenes, antibodies, cytokines), kinetics of immune response, immunological methods
- Nanoparticles and nanomaterials for biomedical applications (composition, properties, surface modifications), methods for nanoparticle properties study regarding their application in medicine
- Bioapplications of nanoparticles in-vitro and in-vivo (biomagnetic separation, drug- delivery system, hypothermia, MRI)
- Excursion: demonstrations of own research (preparation, characterization and bioapplication of nanoparticles with possible practical implementation)