Winter Semester
- OPT/FL Selected Chapters from Laser Physics
- OPT/KKZI1 Quantum Communication and Information Processing 1
- OPT/KOKT Conceptual Issues of Quantum Theory
- OPT/QE1 Quantum Electrodynamics 1
- OPT/SYN Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Synergetics
- OPT/TSF Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
- KBF/FOSY Photosynthesis and Stress
- KBF/EM Electron Microscopy
- KBF/HRS Voice, Speech and Hearing
- KBF/MBM Molecular Biology of Mutagens, Carcinogens and Cytostatics
- KEF/BBIO Bionanotechnology
- KEF/BEMN Experimental Methods of Nanomaterials
- KEF/ENVF Environmental Physics
- KEF/FZN Physical Basis of Nanotechnologies
- KEF/PRNAN Nanotechnology Practice
- KEF/TMN Fundamentals of Mechanics
- KEF/TSII1 Theory of Signals and Information 1
- SLO/BOVN Optical Properties of Nanostructures
- SLO/BZDF Sources and Detectors for Nanophotonics
- SLO/ELNO Experimental Laser and Nonlinear Optics
- SLO/NMF1 Numerical Methods for Physicists 1
- SLO/OEF Optics for Experimental Physicists
- SLO/PLT Programming of Laboratory Devices
- SLO/PROG1 Computer Programming and Numerical Methods
- SLO/USMEC Introduction to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles
- VCJ/CFF Czech for Foreigners
Summer Semester
- OPT/IZL Fundamentals of Laser Physics
- OPT/KKZI2 Quantum Ccommunication and Information Processing 2
- OPT/KTI Quantum Information Theory
- OPT/QE2 Quantum Electrodynamics 2
- OPT/QS1 Coherence and Statistical Optics
- KBF/BIS Biological Experiments in silico
- KBF/VRB Free Radicals in Biology and Biomedicine
- KEF/ČMSA1 Digital Measuring Systems 1
- KEF/TR Theory of Relativity
- KEF/TSII2 Theory of Signals and Information 2
- KEF/VIJF Virtual Instrumentation in Nuclear Physics
- SLO/DFCVK Detectors in Particle Physic
- SLO/LTP1 Laser Technologies in Practice
- SLO/NMF2 Numerical Methods for Physicists 2
- SLO/OVPL Optical Properties of Solid Materials
- SLO/PROG2 Programming in C Language for Physicists
- VCJ/CFF Czech for Foreigners
Department of Optics
- OPT Experimental Photonics
- OPT Advanced Methods of Experimental Photonics
- OPT/FL Selected Chapters from Laser Physics
- OPT/IZL Fundamentals of Laser Physics
- OPT/KKZI1 Quantum Communication and Information Processing 1
- OPT/KKZI2 Quantum Communication and Information Processing 2
- OPT/KOKT Conceptual Issues of Quantum Theory
- OPT/KTI Quantum Information Theory
- OPT/QE1 Quantum Electrodynamics 1
- OPT/QE2 Quantum Electrodynamics 2
- OPT/QS1 Coherence and Statistical Optics
- OPT/SYN Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, and Synergetics
- OPT/TSF Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Department of Biophysics
- KBF/BIS Biological Experiments in silico
- KBF/EM Electron Microscopy
- KBF/FOSY Photosynthesis and Stress
- KBF/HRS Voice, Speech and Hearing
- KBF/MBM Molecular Biology of Mutagens, Carcinogens and Cytostatics
- KBF/VRB Free Radicals in Biology and Biomedicine
Department of Experimental Physics
- KEF/BBIO Bionanotechnology
- KEF/BEMN Experimental Methods of Nanomaterials
- KEF/ČMSA1 Digital Measuring Systems 1
- KEF/ENVF Environmental Physics
- KEF/FZN Physical Basis of Nanotechnologies
- KEF/PRNAN Nanotechnology Practice
- KEF/TMN Fundamentals of Mechanics
- KEF/TR Theory of Relativity
- KEF/TSII1 Theory of Signals and Information 1
- KEF/TSII2 Theory of Signals and Information 2
- KEF/VIJF Virtual Instrumentation in Nuclear Physics
Joint Laboratory of Optics of Palacký University and the Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- SLO/BOVN Optical Properties of Nanostructures
- SLO/BZDF Sources and Detectors for Nanophotonics
- SLO/DFCVK Detectors in Particle Physic
- SLO/ELNO Experimental Laser and Nonlinear Optics
- SLO/LTP1 Laser Technologies in Practice
- SLO/NMF1 Numerical Methods for Physicists 1
- SLO/NMF2 Numerical Methods for Physicists 2
- SLO/OEF Optics for Experimental Physicists
- SLO/OVPL Optical Properties of Solid Materials
- SLO/PLT Programming of Laboratory Devices
- SLO/PROG1 Computer Programming and Numerical Methods
- SLO/PROG2 Programming in C Language for Physicists
- SLO/USMEC Introduction to the Standard Model of Elementary Particles