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Palacký University

KMA/ODR3 Ordinary Differential Equations 3

Lecturer: Jan Andres
Lecture: 2 hours/week + exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 3
Summer semester
Form of course completion: course credit

  • Introduction to stability, historical remarks concerning the origin of the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations.
  • Notion of the Lyapunov stability of a solution (or equilibrium), uniform and asymptotic stability and instability.
  • The First Lyapunov method: Routh-Hurwitz conditions, criteria of Lyapunov stability for linear systems.
  • Method of linearization of nonlinear systems.
  • The Second Lyapunov method: Construction of Lyapunov functions, Lyapunov stability and instability theorems.
  • Lagrange stability and dissipativity in the sense of Levinson, the Yoshizawa theorem.
  • Structural stability.
ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 29. 01. 2015, Jitka Mayerová