KMA/NM1M Numerical Methods 1
Lecturer: Jitka Machalová
Lecture: 2 hours/week + exercise 2 hours/week
Credits: 4
Winter semester
Form of course completion: course credit, exam
- Introduction to numerice methods, error analysis, condition numbers.
- Forward, backward and dividend differences their properties and computing.
- Difference equations and their solution.
- Introduction to interpolation – statement of the problem, existence and uniqueness of solution.
- Lagrange interpolation, Newton interpolation and interpolation using function values only.
- Error in polynomial interpolation. Chebyschev orthogonal polynomials and thein using in interpolation.
- Iterative linear interpolation. Hermite interpolation.
- Least squares approximation of functions and least squares approximation over discrete sets of points.
- Numerical differentiation – formulas and error estimation.
- Numerical integration – basic rules and notions.
- Gaussian quadrature formulae.
- Newton-Cotes quadrature formulae. Composite quadrature formulae.