MRS/XGDCA Geography and Development of Central Asia and Caucasus
Lecturer: Simona Šafaříková
Lecture: 1 hour/week + exercise 2 hours/week
Credits: 6
Winter semester
Form of course completion: course credit, exam
This course provides broad overview of the economic, political and social development of the Central Asia and the Middle East. The course consists of two separated regional sections: the first one focuses on the Central Asian development, the second one on the Middle East. In the first section, the following development issues of central-Asian countries are covered: history, natural conditions, resources and its influence on development; environmental situation; economic situation; HIV/AIDS and other diseases; gender; MDGs; human rights; development assistance; analysis and evaluation of different projects that have been done in the region. In the second section of the course, selected development issues and specificities of the Middle East will be examined, for example the key development deficits of the Arab and Islam World or the economic, social and political features of the region.