MRS/XENG Environmental Geography
Lecturers: Zdeněk Opršal, Jaromír Harmáček
Lecture: 1 hour/week + exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 4
Summer semester
Form of course completion: course credit, exam
The main aim of the course is to provide the understanding of the ways environment and society are related and interconnected in the less developed countries. The course Environmental geography is focused on the understanding of interactions between humans and the natural world in the less developed countries, combining parts of human geography and physical geography. The course will provide understandings of the ways environment and society are related and affect each other. The course address various topics, such environmentalism and sustainable development; drylands and desertification; tropical deforestation; biodiversity conservation, sustainability and development; sustainability and river control; industrial and human hazards; environmental conflicts; food and agriculture in the globalizing world.