KFC/VVL Methods for Study of Surface Tension and Viscoelasticity of Matherials
Lecturer: Josef Jůza
Lecture: 2 hours/week
Credits: 2
Summer semester
Form of course completion: colloquium
It gives the over view of the methods for surface tension measurement, interface tension and contact angle measurement and their suitability for the particular applications. It is also concerned with the principles and applications of the most important and most frequent ly used methods. It also includes particular applications and procedures in specific cases in the field of research and industry.
- Theoretical principles of surface tension as physical characteristics.
- Surface and interface tension.
- Viscosity-elastic properties.
- Methods of surface tension measurešment, their classification and use.
- Methods based on measuring the strength.
- Methods based on measurement the shape.
- Other methods included those non-conventional.
- Summary of the methods and comparison of their practical use.
- Measurement of the related physical characteristics or those necessary as additional data-density.
- Measuring of the related physical characteristics or those necessary as additional data-viscosity.
- Examples of particular applications in research.
- Examples of particular applications in industry.