KFC/SPM1 Spectroscopic Methods 1
Lecturers: Martin Hof, Pavel Anzenbacher
Lecture: 2 hours/week
Credits: 3
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
First, key terminology and relations are mentioned. Then, particular spectroscopic methods are dealt with, i.e. UV, IR, Raman, NMR, ESR, Mössbauer, emission and fluorescence spectroscopic methods-a special attention is paid to the spectra interpretation and the application of the particular spectroscopic methods in practice. The students are also informed about the latest scientific knowledge with every spectroscopic method.
- Spectrum-concept, fundamental characteristics and relations. Absorption spectra-introduction.
- UV/VIS spectroscopy.
- Absorption spectra and structure of substances.
- IR spectroscopy. Introduction, basic vibrations. Instrumentation.
- IR spectra-structure of substances. Raman spectroscopy-its use for the study of the structures of biological macromolecules.
- Resonance Raman spectroscopy.
- Mössbauer spectroscopy. Introduction into NMR and ESR.
- NMR spectra-instrumentation and applications. ESR spectra.
- Emission spectra. Fluorescence spectroscopy-instrumentation.
- Steady-state and time-differentiated fluorescence. Examples of applications as to the studying the structure of substances and their interactions.
- Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), relaxation of solvate layers.
- Chirooptical methods /ORD, CD/. The study of the structure of biological macromolecules.