KFC/NNM1 Nanomaterials 1
Lecturer: Radek Zbořil, Martin Kalbáč
Lecture: 2 hours/week
Credits: 3
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Key terminology and definitions related to nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
- Physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials: structural, optical, magnetic, electronic, catalytic, sorption properties.
- Comparison of the nanostructure properties with of atoms, molecules and microcrystalline structures. Reactivity of nanomaterials.
- Synthetic methods for nanomaterials. Sol-gel methods, sonochemical syntheses, mechanochemical syntheses, precursore methods, condensation from gaseous phase, preparation methods for colloid particles, other methods. Size distribution control and particle morphology.
- Overview of analytical methods used for nanomaterials: microscopic methods, spectroscopic methods, method of nanoparticle dimension and surface analyses, magnetic and electrochemical methods.
- Nanoparticles and nanopowders. Natural nanocrystals. Semi-conductor nanoparticles. Metallic and metallic oxides nanoparticles. Magnetic nanoparticles. Colloid nanoparticles. Surface treatment of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles in catalysis.
- Carbon nanotubes-preparation, structure, electrical, vibration and mechanical properties. Application-catalysts, chemical sensors, fuel cells.
- Other carbon nanostructures-carbon nanoclusters, fulleren and its properties, bigger and smaller fullerens.
- Quantum wells and wires, quantum dots. Preparation of quantum nanostructures, size effects, Fermi gas, excitons. Selected applications-IR detectors, laser applications
- Biological systems.
- Nanocomposites-magnetic nanocomposites, nanoparticle composites with silicate and zeolite matrix, synthesis, properties, applications. Multifunctional materials. Composite systems of nucleic acids, proteins and nanoparticles.
- Nanolayers, nanofilms. Layers of semiconductive nanocrystals. Metallic nanoparticle structured monolayers. Multi-layer structures. Thin films.