AFC/SMVL Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Matter
Subject title: Spectral and Magnetic Properties of Matter
Abbreviation: AFC/SMVL
Semester taught: Winter semester
Lecturer: Ing. Ivan Nemec, Ph.D.
Requirements on students: At least 60% successfulness in final written exam.
Course objectives: The lecture is focused on the basic theoretical ideas about the electron structure of complex compounds with the use of bases and LFT interpretation of spectral and magnetic properties of substances.
- An introduction to molecular symmetry
- Point groups, basics of matrix representations, the representation G3N
- Free ion, Russell Saunders coupling
- The ions in fields of non-spherical symmetry
- An introduction to crystal/ligand field theory, Tanabe-Sugano diagrams
- Electron spectroscopy of the transition metal complex compounds
- Magnetic properties of matter, magnetic susceptibility and measurement principles diamagnetism, magnetically diluted compounds, paramagnetism
- Spin-exchange, super-exchange pathway, antiferromagnetism and ferrimagnetism
- Survey of the spectral and magnetic properties of the complex compounds of the 1. transition series
- Electron paramagnetic resonance – introduction, description of the resonance experiment
- Photoelectron spectroscopy in coordination chemistry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy
- Mossbauer spectroscopy
- Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism (Cotton phenomenon) in coordination compounds study
- B. Tsukerblat, Group Theory in Chemistry and Spectroscopy: A Simple Guide to Advanced Usage, Dover Publications, 2006.
- A. B. P. Lever, Studies in physical and theoretical chemistry 33, Inorganic Electronic Spectroscopy, Sec. Ed. Elsevier, 1984.
- E. A. Boudroux, L. N. Mulay, Theory and applications of molecular paramagnetism, Wiley&Sons, New York, 1976.