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Palacký University

ACH/AACZP Analytical Applications in Environmental Chemistry

Lecturer: Petr Bednář
Lecture: 3 hours/week + seminar 1 hour/week
Credits: 4
Winter semester
Form of course completion: course credit, exam

Control of soil composition and chemical analysis in agriculture (soil structure, inorganic components, humus, pH of soil, soil erosion, plant nutrients, fertilizers, new varieties of agricultural crops); Atmosphere of Earth (composition, air analysis and its pollution, monitoring of components connected with global warming); Water sources, treatment and pollution (natural water composition, hydrological cycle, acid rain, water quality control); Fossil fuels (petrochemistry – analytical control of oil, coal and natural gas composition); Sources of energy for the future (influence of particular sources of energy on environment – biomass composition, solar cells lifetime, impact on environment, control of composition of applied materials); Toxicology (kinds of living organism exposition, tests of toxicity (LD50)); Organic and inorganic pollutants (analysis of PAHs, POPs, dioxines and furanes, study of their bioaccumulation); Insecticides and herbicides (analysis of organophophates and carbamates – selected examples; alternatives in control of insects); Asbestos (structure and physicochemical properties of asbestos and analytical methods for identification of asbestos fibers); Disposal of dangerous wastes (definition of dangerous wastes, selected examples of analysis of their composition).

ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 22. 03. 2015, Jitka Mayerová