BOT/FTGSB Plant Geography
Lecturer: Vladan Ondřej, Luboš Majeský
Lecture: 2 hours/week
Credits: 4
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
Plant distribution areas and its mapping (distribution maps). Plant endemism, MacArthur & Wilson's theory of island biogeography. Plant relict species. Plant diaspores (propagules) and their basic forms of dissemination, geohistorical aspects of plant migrations. Synanthropic plants. An outline of florogenesis (from Pre-Cambrium to the present), with an emphasis to the Central European Region. Floristic regions, vegetation zones. Characteristics of the major biomes of the Earth. Phytogeographical subdivision of the Czech Republic (Thermophyticum, Mesophyticum, Oreophyticum). Delimitation of vegetation belts. Cultivated plants and crop sepcies, Vavilov's centres of crop origins and genetic diversity. Genetic diversity, molecular phylogeny, in relation to the extension plants and their domestication and breeding.