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Palacký University

BOT/MMSRA Practicals Training in Molecular Markers

Lecturers: Miloslav Kitner, Ĺuboš Majeský, Michaela Jandová
Lecture: 1 hour/week + exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 6
Summer semester
Form of course completion: exam

The aim of this course is to acquire basic skills of selected methods of molecular biology, which are currently being used in plant breeding, espetially for plant genotyping: isozyme analysis, RFLP RFLP (restriction fragment lenght polymorphism), AFLP (amplified fragment lenght polymorphism), SSR (simple sequence repeats, microsatellites). The use of these methods for cultivar identification, seed homogeneity testing, hybrid detection, genotyping, MAS (marker-assisted selection). Students will acquire basic methods of DNA isolation, amplification, separation and detection of PCR products, work with databases and statistic software.

ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic Languages
Last update: 07. 11. 2016, Jitka Mayerová