SLO/UMT1 Introduction into Modern Technologies 1
Lecturers: Petr Schovánek, Radim Čtvrtlík, Jan Tomáštík
Lecture: 3 hours/week
Credits: 3
Summer semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Materials testing
- mechanical properties of materials
- technological properties of materials
- internal defects of materials
- nanoindentation - Degradation properties in materials
- Metallography basics
- sample preparation
- sample evaluation - Machining technologies
- cutting operations (turning)
- multiedge machining (grinding) - Metallurgy in mechanical engineering
- cast production
- forming technologies (hot and cold working )
- heat treatment of metals
- chemical-heat treatment of metals - Materials cutting – classification of methods
- Materials joining
- mechanical joints
- thermal methods (welding, soldering)
- bonding