SLO/BNNE Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics
Lecturer: Antonín Fejfar
Lecture: 30 hours/semester
Credits: 3
Summer semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Basics of nanophotonics, spatial restrictions: similarities and differences between photons and electrons, tunneling, localization, interaction with nanostructures for photons (evanescent waves, plasma resonance) and for electrons (quantum mechanical size effect, Coulomb blockade), overview of usage of mentioned phenomena in present and future components for optoelectronics
- Near field and microscopy, principle of microscopy in near optical field or by means of local interaction (electron tunneling, force interaction), usage for study of quantum dots and for spectroscopy of individual molecules, spectroscopy in near field and local enhancement of interaction by means of the tip (e.g. TERS)
- Scanning tip microscopes, scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), modification of AMF with the use of other interactions: work function, electrostatic force, magnetic force, measurement with local detection of electric current of capacity
- Energy transformation in nanostructures, basics of photovoltaic phenomenon in classical solar cells, effect limiting the efficiency of photovoltaic transformation, usage of properties of nanostructures for the increase of the efficiency: multiplication of carriers, photon fusion, multiple generation of charge carriers