SLO/BFN2 Photonic Nanostructures 2
Lecturers: Jan Peřina, Jaromír Křepelka, Jiří Svozilík, Karel Lemr
Lecture: 30 hours/semester
Credits: 3
Summer semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Nonlinear polarization and description of nonlinear parametric processes, the second harmonics and subharmonics, Raman and Brillouin scattering
- Various types of photonic nanostructures, nonlinear effects connected with surface states
- Methods of description of nonlinear phenomena in the structures with significantly localized optical field, classical and quantum description
- Spontaneous descending frequency conversion in nonlinear layered periodically-pole and waveguide structures, generation of photon pairs, quantum linkage of photon pairs, selected application of photon pairs
- Statistical properties of light, generation of squeezed light in modern photonic structures, eigenmodes with regard to squeezing of quantum fluctuations, distributed feedback and conditions for maximum enhancement of nonlinear interaction
- Photopulse statistics in spontaneous and stimulated descending frequency conversion