SLO/BFN Physics of Nanostructures
Lecturers: Jan Soubusta, Karol Bartkiewicz
Lecture: 30 hours/semester
Credits: 3
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
- Spatial arrangement in mesoscopic systems, the most frequent crystal structure (SC, FCC, BCC, HCP.
- Reciprocal lattice, Brillouin zone, Bragg law of diffraction, experimental diffraction methods, structural factors, Fourier analysis of the base.
- Crystal bonding, ionic crystals, covalent crystals, metals, crystals of inert gases.
- Lattice vibrations, acoustical, optical phonons, dispersion relations. Thermal properties Einstein model, Debye model of heat capacities, thermal conductivity.
- Metals, Fermi gas of free electrons, thermal and electrical properties, Ohm law, Hall coefficient, cyclotron frequency.
- Fermi surfaces in metals, nearly free electron approximation, tight binding method.
- Energy bands, Bloch theorem, Bloch functions, central equation, Kronig-Penney model.
- Semiconductors, dispersion relations of real materials (Si, Ge, GaAs). Thermoelectric phenomena.
- Plasmons, collective excitation, definition of plasma, plasma frequency, dispersion law for electromagnetic waves, plasmons, polaritons.
- Optical processes, excitons.