The discipline is academic with emphasis to laboratory experiences. It is constituted by a block of theoretical subjects describing principles and applications of nanotechnologies in the field of nanomaterials, nanofotonics, and bionanotechnologies, and a block of theoretical subjects focused on methods of nanomaterials characterization. The curriculum includes three 5-weeks laboratory practice, which guarantee high laboratory experiences of the graduates.
The graduates demonstrate deep knowledge of the principles in the field of nanomaterials and methods of their characterization (experimental as well as theoretical). The graduates have considerable laboratory experiences in the fields of nanotechnological research. They are able to work in a team and study the subjects for a long time. In accordance to their individual specialization, they can get enhanced knowledge in the fields of nanomaterials research, bionanotechnologies and nanofotonics.
Plan of study
Compulsory courses
1st year of study:
- KEF/BAT Introductory Week-long Workshop (W)
- KEF/BFZN Physical Principles of Nanotechnology (W)
- KEF/BLP1 Laboratory Training, Project 1 (W)
- KEF/BTS1 Theory of Signals and Information 1 (W)
- KEF/BVEK Communication in Science (W)
- SLO/BFN Physics of Nanostructures (W)
- KEF/BAPN Applied Nanotechnology (S)
- KEF/BDS Master of Science Thesis Tutorial (S)
- KEF/BLP2 Laboratory Training, Project 2 (S)
- KEF/BODV Intellectual Property Protection, Technology Transfer (S)
- KEF/BTSI2 Theory of Signals and Information 2 (S)
- KEF/BVS Vibrational Spectroscopy (S)
2nd year of study:
- KEF/BDP Diploma Project (W/S)
- KEF/BEMN Experimental Methods of Nanomaterials (W)
- KEF/BLP3 Laboratory Training, Project 3 (W)
- KEF/BSAN Nanotechnology Application (W)
- SLO/BENF Experimental Methods of Nanophotonics (W)
Compulsory options
- KEF/BBZN Biological Fundamentals of Nanotechnology (W)
- KFC/NNM1 Nanomaterials 1 (W)
- SLO/BFN1 Photonic Nanostructures 1 (W)
- KEF/BMAG Nanomagnetism (S)
- KEF/BRN Risks of Nanotechnology (S)
- KFC/NNM2 Nanomaterials 2 (S)
- SLO/BFN2 Photonic Nanostructures 2 (S)
- SLO/BPFN Preparation and Characterization of Photonic Nanostructures (S)
- SLO/ZNM1 Materials Science Basics 1 (W)
- KEF/BBET Gas Sorption Methods (W)
- KEF/BBIO Bionanotechnology (W)
- KEF/BNTX Nanotoxicology (W)
- KFC/MOMAT Modeling of Materials and Nanomaterials (S)
- SLO/BOVN Optical Properties of Nanostructures (W)
- SLO/BZDF Sources and Detectors for Nanophotonics (W)
Optional courses
- KFC/BSFC Seminar in Physical Chemistry (W)
- SLO/ZNM2 Materials Science Basics 2 (S)
- SLO/BNNE Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics (S)
- SLO/UMT1 Introduction into Modern Technologies 1 (S)
- KEF/BNMT Nanometrology (W)
- SLO/BSNF Seminar of Nanophotonics (W)
- SLO/UMT2 Introduction into Modern Technologies 2 (W)
W – Winter semestr
S – Summer semester