KEF/PRFA1 Instrumental Physics 1
Lecturers: Dalibor Jančík, Jiří Pechoušek
Lecture: 2 hours/week + exercise 1 hour/week
Credits: 2
Winter semester
Form of course completion: course credit
- Structure of the measuring chain, converters of physical quantities to electrical quantities, their static and dynamic characteristics and reduction of their errors
- Sensors (detectors, converters) of visible light radiation, thermal and photoelectric detectors (photoelectric cell, photomultiplier, photoresistor, photodiode)
- Sensors of temperature, resistive, semiconducting, thermoelectric, pyroelectric thermometers, IT90 temperature scale
- Detection of ionization radiation, scintillation, gaseous and semiconducting detectors, detection of charged particles, photon of gamma-rays, neutrons
- Noise of the measuring chain, transmission of a signal from a detector, principle of elimination of noisy influences
- Vacuum technique, methods of obtaining of vacuum, types of vacuum pumps, measurements of low pressures, construction of vacuum instruments
- Low-temperature measurements, methods of obtaining of low temperatures, specifications of measurements of low temperatures, cryostats