AFC/KSRD Crystal Structure and X-ray Diffraction
Lecturer: Zdeněk Trávníček
Lecture: 3 hours/week
Credits: 3
Winter semester
Form of course completion: exam
- introduction – history, basic terms (definition of crystal, lattice types, Miller's indexes, crystallographic systems, minimal symmetry rules, reciprocal lattice)
- point symmetry, stereographic projection
- group theory, crystallographic group of symmetry, symbols
- matrix representation of symmetry operations
- space group of symmetry; symbols, graphical illustration
- crystallochemistry, crystallization processes, types of structure defects
- crystal structure and chemical bond
- X-ray; principle, formation, forms, properties, registration, units
- interaction with matter – ESCA, fluorescence, Auger electrons
- diffraction of X-rays; Laue and Bragg equations; structural factor F(hkl)
- X-ray diffraction methods, classification based on Ewald's scheme, Laue, Debye Scherrer, powder methods
- powder diffractometers, indexation of powder patterns records, focusing methods, practical applications of powder methods
- single crystal techniques; Weissenberg and precession method, types of diffractometers, complete X-ray analysis of crystal compounds