Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Master's degree in the programme Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering prepares broadly trained specialists for laboratory, research and practical technological work with a broad expertise in molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology, microbiology and bioengineering. The programme is designed as a set of theoretical and practical courses of biological, biotechnological and molecular disciplines, with emphasis on the ability of graduates to apply modern biotechnological methods practically. The programme educates specialists for laboratory and technological workplaces in biotechnology, agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industry, as well as in academic institutions. Graduates have knowledge of the theoretical and practical principles of modern technologies producing organic plant and microbial products, production of biopharmaceuticals, new crop varieties and biologically active substances.
Teaching comprehensively covers the basics and principles of theoretical and practical problems of biotechnology in relation to the applicability in microbial, plant, animal and medical biotechnologies. Is fully in line with current trends and the latest findings. Graduates receive the good orientation in topics of the regulation in living systems from the molecular level to the level of the whole organism. Emphasis is placed on understanding the molecular structure of genes, chromosomes and information macromolecules, practical applications of recombinant DNA technology and transformation techniques. Graduates understand the issue of the use of genetically modified organisms in biotechnology, the risk of their creation, safety rules with transgenic organisms, as well as ethical issues related to interspecies gene transfer and production of transgenic organisms. They understand the importance of methodological techniques of molecular biology, gene cloning and in vitro techniques, theoretically and practically applicable in biotechnology, with full ability to use them practically.
Plan of study
Compulsory courses
1st year of study:
- CRH/BPV Biotechnological Crops and their Utilization (W)
- CRH/DPR1 Diploma Thesis 1 (W)
- CRH/POS1 Advanced Seminar 1 (W)
- KBC/MBIOG Molecular Biology (W)
- LRR/MBT Principles and Applications of Molecular Biotechnology (W)
- CRH/DPR2 Diploma Thesis 2 (S)
- CRH/GFPT Recombinant GFP Technologies and their Use (S)
- CRH/POS2 Advanced Seminar 2 (S)
- KBC/CGI Cloning and Genetic Engineering (S)
- KBC/PROT Proteomics (S)
2nd year of study:
- CRH/DPR3 Diploma Thesis 3 (W)
- CRH/GFP Theoretical and Practical Plant GFP Technologies and Confocal Laser Microscopy (W)
- CRH/MBTCV Practicum in Microbial Biotechnology (W)
- CRH/POS3 Advanced Seminar 3 (W)
- CRH/DPR4 Diploma Thesis 4 (S)
- CRH/POS4 Advanced Seminar 4 (S)
Compulsory options
- CRH/BRB Bioimaging of Plant Cells (W)
- CRH/SB Systems Biology (W)
- CRH/CS Cytoskeleton and Signalling (S)
- CRH/MSR Molecular Plant Breeding (S)
- CRH/RP Seminar in Plant Proteomics (S)
- CRH/AGK Anatomy of Genome (S)
- KBC/ENZ Enzymology (S)
- CRH/MF Molecular Phytopathology (W)
- CRH/ZHB Animal and Human Biotechnology (W)
- KBC/BAM Advanced Biochemical and Biotechnological Methods (W)
Optional Courses
- KBC/ROBC Plant Biochemistry (S)
- KBC/GMO Legislative of Genetically Modified Organisms and Deregulation Process (W)
- KBC/BTCE Biotechnology – Excursions (S)
- KBC/LBP2 Summer Biotechnology Project 2 (S)
W – Winter semestr
S – Summer semester