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Palacký University

P1527 Biology – Zoology

Field of study guarantor: Prof. Ing. Stanislav Bureš, CSc.

Guarantor of study: Department of Zoology

Field of study:

This study provides deeper knowledge of entomology, ornithology, behavioural ecology, evolutionary ecology and biology of various animal taxa. The doctoral thesis are aimed at molecular systematic of various groups of insect, evolution of mimicry, and evolutionary processes based on molecular data in entomology, speciation, hybridisation, evolution of survival and reproduction strategies, the role of predation in evolution of reproductive strategies, allocation of resources, mainly maternal effects and sexual selection, and brood parasite-host interactions in ornithology.

Information about application form

Thesis topics for J.L. Fischer scholarship 

The use of RFID technology for monitoring of cavity-breeding birds

Supervisor: Miloš Krist

ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic LanguagesApplication forms
Last update: 13. 02. 2017, Jitka Mayerová